What is Onychomancy?

Onychomancy is an ancient form of divination using fingernails as a "crystal ball"  similar to the art of palmistry.  Each finger has its planetary ruler and its representation within the tarot. The elements, earth, air, fire & water can also be represented by shape and length of your nails. Think of your press-on as mini altars that contain frequencies, intentions, and messages. 

Therefore your nails can be used spiritually to set intentions and manifest certain things in your life. Your Scorpio Moon shape, length, color, and details can reflect your life's current energy, or you can use them to attract or manifest a different type of energy or lifestyle you want.

Onychomancy sets do this in specific ways e.g. square represents earth energy and adds stability & structure, the color gold calls in opportunities for wealth, marbling/sparkle on your ring finger can encourage creativity!  There are so many possibilities with Scorpio Moon Press Ons to bring new energy into your life. 

Custom Onychomancy Sets can also be created with a bespoke reading, tailored uniquely to you. To book an Onychomancy reading and delved deeper into this magic click here

Onychomancy sets are cleansed with crystals, sage and include a spell candle to match the vibration of your set and amplify your intentions further.